Fashion Designer Of The Week : Naeem Khan
venerdì, settembre 24, 2010
Here we are girls..
I decide to write some posts in English because I want to compare with all of you, wherever you are...
So, this is my new "Fashion Coloumn"..even if i'm totally ignorant about what fashion (really) is.There are a lots of you that knows more about this world... I know.
However, I introduce in my little blog this weekly appointment: Fashion Designer of the Week.
This time, the dresses above are creations of the fantastic indian fashion designer Naeem Khan. He launched his collection in 2003, and nowadays his runaways are among the most anticipated events of NY Fashion Week.
In 2008 he became a member of the Counsel of Fashion Designer of America, and only one year later he's proud to presents Michelle Obama wearing one of his pieces!
In my, he is a fantastic designer, his dresses are so feminine...
No one could ignore a women wearing these masterpieces.
I decide to write some posts in English because I want to compare with all of you, wherever you are...
So, this is my new "Fashion Coloumn"..even if i'm totally ignorant about what fashion (really) is.There are a lots of you that knows more about this world... I know.

However, I introduce in my little blog this weekly appointment: Fashion Designer of the Week.
This time, the dresses above are creations of the fantastic indian fashion designer Naeem Khan. He launched his collection in 2003, and nowadays his runaways are among the most anticipated events of NY Fashion Week.
In 2008 he became a member of the Counsel of Fashion Designer of America, and only one year later he's proud to presents Michelle Obama wearing one of his pieces!
In my, he is a fantastic designer, his dresses are so feminine...
No one could ignore a women wearing these masterpieces.
8 commenti
una sola parola... wow! che meraviglia di vestiti..!
RispondiEliminaClaudia International;)
RispondiEliminache sogno il vestito nero lungo nella 2 foto *_* quello nero nella 4 però mi fa impressione, sembra morticia la modella XD
RispondiEliminavoglio un vestito lungo fatto da lui
RispondiElimina@Siberia: Ce ne sono di magnifici... completamente ricoperti di pietre ... O.O!!!
RispondiElimina@Sara: Oh...Yeeesss!!!
@Marica: ahaha si in effetti alcune modelle fanno un po' paura...
@Dolls: Sono voluttuosi!!! Bellissimi eh?
mamma mia che belli...^_^
RispondiEliminaMooolto belli!!!
RispondiEliminaNon sia mai che non faccio partecipare le mie colleghe preferite ai miei giveaway ^^ Ho dato una spuntatina alle regole ;)
Io A D O R O il primo vestito nero della 5° foto...da sogno!!! Mamma che bello!!!